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10 reasons to visit Kanta-Häme province

1. Rural bliss & Trendy countryside

It’s not a secret, that 75 % of Finland is under forests. Local surrounding countryside can offer quite enough, or even more. Kanta-Häme consists of 11 regions, where one can find the natural beauty, pretty architecture, attractive local farm shops, lakeside cottages with amenities, good transport links. You can enjoy barbecue on the beach of local lake, go paddle boarding or walking. It’s about one hour from Helsinki or Lahti, and also close to modern leisure services such as golf courses, racing, music and medieval tornament shows.

2. Jean Sibelius

Sibelius in Finland is the same, like Johann Bach or Pjotr Tchaikovski. Music of Sibelius is a balm of Finnishness, that encapsulates the spirit of the country.

The famous spot in the local Aulanko Nature Reserve will help you feel the spirit of Sibelius. It’s ”must visit” the birthplace of the composer, pastries named after the great musician.

3. Castles and forts

Let’s travel back in time and experience magnificents castles, old medieval fort and ancient hill fortification in Kanta-Häme region. Pass through the stone portals, find yourself and transported back to a bygone era. Today, these magnificent buildings offer a wealth of possibilities, provide overnight accommodation, great events, excursions.

One can admire by scenic landscapes from Hämeenlinna to Turku direction.

Historic king’s road postal route connecting Sweden and Russia dating back to 15 century.

Nowdays 80 % of the original King’s Road is still used as a public road and the length of the road in the present day territory of Finland is approx. 510 km.

4. Kälsärikänni is Finnish path to relaxation

That’s liiterally just drinking in your underwear. What can be more pleasant to stay in a peaceful, friendly country house hotel with a crackling log fire, waiting to welcome you!

Kälsärikänni is more, than just a descriptive word, it’s a way to spend heart-warming weekends in Southern Finland. Pronounced it, encapsulates a feeling of contentment, laziness. It’s about making the most of life’s simple pleasures and time alone doing or spend it with a close friend of your favorite drink.

5. Traveling solo

You’ll find it safe visiting Finland. The crime rate is low, locals are largely friendly to help. As a result, Solo travellers are quite usual and normal thing. The number of single people is increasing in the world, searching for adventures, relaxation, solitude or connection. Solo travellers travel alnone because they want to. Kanta-Häme offers execellent possibilities for rural, cultural tourism. Reasons for solo travelling:

  • freedom
  • being in charge of your own schedule
  • meeting new people
  • self-reflection and recharging for a new episode in life

6. Inspired local cuisine

There’s much more to food in Finland, than, just Finnish potatoes and plain bread. Finns are passionate about their food as it mostly delicious, healthy, easy to make and is provided with seasonal domestic variation.

Kanta-Häme province’s cuisine offers meal experiences, based on traditional local culture and nature.

7. Winter and summer sports

The perfect way to explore Finland is boating along or walking with guides in local forests during winter, when trees are heavy with snow and in warmer months, when fileds and hills are brilliant green.

If you’re heading to Kanta-Häme in winter or summer, you’ll be spoilt for choice of outdoor activities. In winter one needs absolutly go skiing, skating, strap on snowshoes and explore forest at the same time, climb aboard a snowmobile, reindeer sled, fishing. In summer is best time for cyclists, hikers, canoeists, horse-riding enthusiasts etc.

8. Sauna

You definitely need to experience a sauna as it cleanse the body and mind. Take a ”vasta” or ”vihta”- a bunch of leafy birch, relaxing your skin, muscles. When the heat makes you feel uncomfortable, it’s time to cool off in a open bath ”palju” or cool lake. Then repeat the ritual again and again.

9. Safe and friendly for families

Southern Finland is a great destination for families travelling with children. There is clean in the towns and in the countryside, where a lot of amazing excursions, entertaiments of all ages.

10. Local handicrafts

Finland has been known for good-quality craftsmanship throughout the world. The Kanta-Häme province is not ex?eption. Here is produced excellent handwoven ”ryijy” rugs, glassware, leather goods and garment. Regional craft workshops offer visitors to take a look at how products are made and learn a new technique with the help of professionals.

It’s worth trying and take home as a good travel memories local interior decorating products, special treats.