Booking and cancel policy
Booking and cancel policy
General information:
Reservations (hotels, villas, holiday packages, transport services, additional services)
All reservations will be on request and you will not receive an immediate online confirmation.
You will receive a confirmation by e-mail. The confirmation will be sent to you between 24- 48 hours after the reservation has been made (Monday-Friday).
Our general cancellation fees are charged at a percentage from the total price, as follows:
- 20% of the total price and 7 € service fee , if the cancellation is made at least 30 days before departure
- 30 % of the total price and 7 € service fee, if the cancellation is made 29 – 23 days before departure
- 50 % of the total price and 7 € service fee, if the cancellation is made 22 – 17 days before the departure
- 100 % of the total price and 7€ service fee, if the cancellation is made 16 days or less before the departure
- Cancellations must be sent in writing form (by email:
- Cancellations on Saturdays, Sundays will be considered on weekdays (Mo-Fr)
All purchases (concerts, festivals, museum tickets) are non-refundable and not able to be exchanged.
Changes on reservation
Client has the right to change passenger information (name, place and time of birth, sex, nationality, passport number and period of validity of passport) once for free. For further passenger information changes and other changes on reservation a service fee of 7 € per person is charged.
Payment methods
All reservations must be paid by credit cards. We offer secure online credit card payment.
Online payment problems
If your online credit card payment is declined, please contact your card issuer to make sure that your credit card is open for transactions to Finland (they might have blocked your card for payments on foreign websites to avoid fraud) or that the payment due does not exceed the amount limit on your card.
Pet policy
Please specify always pet policy, when you make a reservation:
At some accommodation places is charged separately for pets.
Guesthouse booking and cancel policy
- Cancel reservation you can send by e-mail: or to fill out contact form on our website
- The customer may cancel reservation one day before at no additional charge, but by latest of 6 p.m. before the arrival day.
- Guest house has a right to cancel a non-refundable reservation if the payment is not done when making reservation
- If the customer doesn’t inform about cancel reservation, the whole amount will be charged.
Cottages booking and cancel policy
- We will reply to you within 24 hours to your email with the reservation confirmation. Payment is by a credit card.
- The booking is confirmed, when the customer has paid the total sum. All payments must be done 3 (three) weeks, before the beginning of the holiday.
- Passenger information document will be collected during key pickup at the cottage’s reception.
- From less than 3 (three) weeks, cancellation time 50% will be refunded.
- Reservation fee is not refundable unless force majeure.
Use of the Cottage
- Cottage is available at 15:00 and check-out at 12:00. During wintertime other arrangements are possible.
- Bed linen is mandatory. Linen can be renter for 15€ per person or bring your own.
- Barbecue gas cost 10 €.
Following actions are required before leaving
- Shake carpets and bed linen
- Vacuum clean all floors
- Clean the cottage: Wash freezer, microwave and specially the oven!
- Take out the trash. Including bottles, food and magazines
- Recycle bin is located 100m outside the cottage at the road.
- Turn of electric equipment for power saving. Leave heating on and close doors and windows.
- Write down if any items are broken or missing
- Requisition for end cleaning must be ordered beforehand from the renter. Penalty fee is at least 100€ if end cleaning is not done.
During arrival keys can be picked up from the cottage reception.
Also inform arrival time beforehand by phone: +358400845084 OR by e-mail
When leave, return keys to the same location.
Smoking and pets
- Smoking is allowed only outside of residential areas.
- For smoking indoors service staff has the right to charge an extra fee associated with cleaning and ventilation expenses.
- If it is allowed to bring your pets with you, you should always inform us about it beforehand. Pet accommodation for the whole period of your stay costs the additional fee.
Pets are not permitted to be on the bed or on the couch. An illness of a pet does not constitute a reason for booking cancellation.
During arrival check, that cottage is clean and no broken items inside the cottage. Damaged items will be fixed. If the customer doesn’t inform about broken items, then the PREVIOUS customer is responsible for paying for damage.